Author Archives: TinTin

Installing pyscard with Python 3+ on macOS

By | April 29, 2023

In 2020, I did some reading and writing Python code to read NSICCS (National Standard for Indonesia Chip Card Specification) using USB SmartCard Reader Gemalto PC Twin Reader. This was possible using pyscard v1.9.9 with Python 2.7. I just realized that the library was installed on my old MacBook Pro Retina 2012 and has not… Read More »

Spicing Up The oh-my-zsh for AWS CLI

By | August 15, 2021

I am working with awscli and gcloud a lot. Sometimes I need to know whether I’m currently working on my lecturing account, or my work account. I’m thinking of a good indicator on which profile account and region I’m working right now. And oh-my-zsh already have that, since I installed it last year 😅. This post only discuss on how to prepare the oh-my-zsh to have indicator with AWS Profile.

Key to the sea – CTF Write Up

By | May 1, 2021

It takes 14 minutes to read this blog.Updated May 2nd, 2021: adding some clarity on several parts. It’s been a long time since I played my last CTF. Most of the CTFs I played were on the weekend and it was only 24 hours. But this CTF is special because it runs internally. Kinda fun,… Read More »

netdiscover on Kali 2020.3 Could Not See Any MAC Addresses

By | April 8, 2021

You might be accidentally updating your apt source list and type apt update. But you might not realize that upgrading your installed module will cause one of your favorite tools not working: netdiscover. In my case above, I’m running Kali Linux 2020.3, with netdiscover version 0.5.1 and libpcap0.8 version 1.10.0-2. I encountered this problem earlier… Read More »

Hide Your Identity While Online

By | February 11, 2021

When I’m on my MacBook Pro, I use command line a lot. Either for casual task, or work related task. Sometimes, I need to access website to detect things while I’m doing my task in Using curl or wget is inevitable. But some websites are reluctant to show me the proper result, due to… Read More »

Disassembling Binary File with Python on Mac

By | August 7, 2020

I’m currently doing some exploration towards PE32 on my macOS. Some of interesting surface analysis, some of deep analysis. But sometimes, I need only to see what kind of instructions in a small chunk of PE32. It was begin with the this blog, that discussing PE32 using Python pefile module by Ero Carrera. Installing pefile… Read More »

Pimping My Shell with oh-my-zsh and Powerlevel10k theme

By | June 10, 2020

Realizing that I need more information on my CLI, I decided to pimp my shell more than just colorizing the prompt. I chose zsh and oh-my-zsh. Visit the official Oh-My-ZSH webpage. The installation is pretty much straight forward, simply type this line below on the terminal: sh -c “$(curl -fsSL” It will setup the… Read More »

Small Tune in macOS

By | May 27, 2020

I usually did these steps when having a newly installed macOS. This post also serves as my personal notes on how to do several things such as:1. Changing the terminal appearance with colorful prompt.2. Finder shows hidden folders/files.3. Changing default folder of Screenshot file 1. Changing the terminal appearance with colorful prompt. 2. Finder shows… Read More »

Make My MBP New Again

By | May 26, 2020

I love my old MacBook Pro 15” Retina Display Mid 2012. Old, but still working after 8 years I bought it in 2012. Having this MBP also became my first experience of purchasing an Apple product directly in the Online Apple Store, since I lived in the country where the Official Apple Store does not… Read More »